Professional Mindfulness Training
Our programs offer attention and mindfulness training that build the core emotional intelligence skills needed for peak performance and effective leadership. We help professionals at all levels adapt, management teams evolve and leaders optimize their impact and influence.
In addition to Individualized team consultations and mindfulness trainings, we teach the Search Inside Yourself program. SIY originated at Google in collaboration with Daniel Goleman and Jon Kabat-Zinn to foster emotional intelligence, mindfulness and leadership skills among their employees. As SIY instructors, we can bring this program directly to your company.
For more information about Search Inside Yourself, please visit:
Focus and Outcomes
We deliver courses using highly practical and scientifically-proven methods of mental conditioning and attention training that improve overall emotional intelligence and well-being, resilience, creativity, communication, productivity and personal and organizational leadership.
The SIY curriculum focuses on three primary areas: Neuroscience, Mindfulness, and Emotional Intelligence.
Who We Are
Mark Coleman and Lori Schwanbeck have successfully helped senior executives and upper management at Fortune 100 companies. Lori and Mark share personal commitment to practice what they teach and fully embody the principles of mindfulness and compassionate leadership.
Mark and Lori are dedicated to helping individuals and institutions sustain peak professional performance with ease and grace.